Product Stewardship

New EU OSHA Healthy Workplaces Campaign

EU-OSHA launched on 23rd October its new Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2023-2025. This new campaign focuses on safe and healthy work in the digital age. It raises awareness about the impact of new digital technologies on work and workplaces and the associated occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges and opportunities. The campaign also provides a platform for the exchange of good practice solutions.

ESIG is proud to have been appointed once again as a campaign partner.

Prior to the official launch, ESIG participated in the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2023 Partnership Meeting in Brussels in September, ensuring our early engagement with the community. We heard contributions from leading European businesses, workers’ and employers’ organizations, and European occupational safety and health (OSH) experts.

We remain committed to promoting the campaign and raising awareness among you, our members and stakeholders.

Solvents Training Courses

Another successful two-day training was given by our UK friends from the Solvents Industry Association (SIA).  Day one focused on giving a general “Introduction to the Solvents Industry” and day two was dedicated to “Solvents and their applications”. What did the participants say?

Our next 2-days Solvents training courses are scheduled in Rotterdam (Netherlands), kindly hosted by our member LyondellBasell on:

  • 22nd May 2024: Introduction to the Solvents Industry
  • 23rd May 2024: Solvents and their Applications

Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with industry experts!

New Safety Films

With respect to the previously announced film updates (Solvents & Static Electricity and Solvents & IBCs films) there is some delay in the filming. The shooting is now foreseen only in spring 2024.

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