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Eco, Bio, Green - Do These Labels Mean ‘Safe’
🔍🌱 ESIG's new short film sheds light on why it’s essential to look beyond marketing labels and check product details carefully to make well-informed and safe choices. 📽️ Watch now and learn more!
Technical Paper Solvents VOC Emissions Inventories 2023 updated!
Our Solvents Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions inventory has been updated with the industry data from 2023.
Join ESIG at the European Coating Show 2025
Join ESIG at the European Coating Show 2025, together with our co-exhibitors: Biocides for Europe & CEPE
ESIG Human Exposure Database updated in 2024
ESIG updated its Human Exposure Database in 2024
Solutions Newsletter - Winter 2024
Enjoy reading this Winter 2024 edition of Solutions Newsletter that will provide you with the main updates on the activities of the European Solvents Industry Group!
Solutions Newsletter - Summer 2024
Enjoy reading this Summer 2024 edition of Solutions Newsletter that will provide you with the main updates on the activities of the European Solvents Industry Group!
Solutions Newsletter - Summer 2024
Enjoy reading this new edition of the ESIG SOLUTIONS Newsletter and catch up on all the latest news from the solvents industry and our association, featuring among others a special editorial by our new manager, Norbert Hannig.
Technical Paper Solvents VOC Emissions Inventories 2022 updated!
NEW Our Solvents Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions inventory has been updated with the industry data from 2022.
Solutions Newsletter - Winter 2023
Enjoy reading this Winter 2023 edition of Solutions Newsletter that will provide you with the main updates on the activities of the European Solvents Industry Group!
Solutions Newsletter - Winter 2023
The latest edition of our SOLUTIONS newsletter is now available, packed with updates on key ESIG activities and events. Dive in and enjoy the read!
Registrations for the 4th ESIG Stakeholder Day are open!
As of now you can register to our next Stakeholder Day "Solvents and the Green Deal": Safe and Sustainable Solvents & Their Applications - Today and in the Future" on 16th January 2024.
Discover the New ESIG Website: Fresh, Modern, User-Friendly
We are thrilled to announce the latest update to the ESIG website, designed to enhance your experience and provide easy access to valuable resources
In the run-up to the official launch of the new Healthy Workplaces Campaign, the EU-OSHA organised its first European campaign partnership meeting today. The new Campaign is focusing on safe and healthy work in the digital age.
New publication Glycol Ethers
New extensive analysis published by ‘Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology’ journal shows no correlation between glycol ethers & endocrine disruption. The Glycol Ethers group has contributed to a publication on the available literature and data concerning the endocrine-disrupting properties of P-series glycol ethers (PGE).
Solutions Newsletter - Summer 2023
Enjoy reading this new edition of SOLUTIONS that will provide you with the main updates on the activities of the European Solvents Industry Group!
Register to our next Solvents Training Course in October
Don't miss our next training sessions in October on solvents consisting in two parts spread over two days in Cefic offices (Brussels, Belgium): on 11 October - Introduction to the Solvents Industry - on 12 October - Solvents and their Applications.
Solvents VOC Emissions Inventories Technical Paper 2021
The ESIG’s updated technical paper on our solvent VOC emission inventories is available now containing information on our improved methodology, including ethanol data since 2013 and the EEA number.
ESIG's new campaign: Solvents – Simply Essential!
Introducing ESIG's new campaign: Solvents – Simply Essential! Discover examples emphasizing the essential uses of solvents and explaining their contribution to the European Green Deal.
Meet ESIG at the European Coatings Show 2023
From 28 to 30 March in Nuremberg, ESIG will participate as exhibitor at the upcoming European Coatings Show (ECS) – The gathering of the coatings and paint industry. VISIT US AT STAND I3-129
Solvents – Simply Essential: ESIG launches a new campaign showcasing essential uses of solvents
ESIG is proud to launch its new communication campaign "Solvents - Simply Essential" showcasing the essential uses of solvents and their contribution to the benefits of the European Green Deal.
Register for our May Solvents Training Courses
Don't miss our next training sessions in May on solvents consisting in two parts spread over two days in BASF Premises (Ludwigshafen, Germany): on 16 May - Introduction to the Solvents Industry - on 17 May - Solvents and their Applications.
3rd Stakeholder Day 2023
The proceedings of our 3rd Stakeholder Day are now available for download. This edition focused on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability aspects of the Green Deal and the role of solvents in this context.
Solutions Newsletter - Winter 2022
Enjoy reading this new edition of SOLUTIONS that will provide you with the main updates on the activities of the European Solvents Industry Group!
New safety film - Solvents and the safe use of gloves
Gloves are essential for using solvents safely. To help you learn how to select the appropriate gloves for a particular solvent and how to use gloves for maximum protection, WATCH OUR NEW FILM ON SOLVENTS AND THE SAFE USE OF GLOVES!
Ozone episodes: latest news on the European Monitoring and Evaluation programme's Intensive Measurement Period
There is an identified need for a better understanding when it comes to tropospheric ozone. That is why the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme’s (EMEP) Intensive Measurement Period (IMP) is focusing on ozone episodes.
Autumn 2022 Solvent Trainings' registration closed. Click here to register for the next editions
Autumn 2022 Solvent Trainings' registration closed. Click here to register for the next editions
Solutions Newsletter - Summer 2022
In this summer 2022 edition of SOLUTIONS, you will find the latest news on ESIG projects: from our updated Flammability Guidelines to our engagement in the intensive measurement period dedicated to ozone episodes in summer 2022. What else? More details on the upcoming Solvents Training with the SIA and the belated celebration of ESIG’s 25th anniversary in October.
Spotlight on EGME
EGME or 2-Methoxyethanol belongs to the glycol ether group of solvents. It is a clear, colourless liquid with an ether-like odour. The primary use is as intermediate or process chemicals under controlled conditions in the manufacturing of APIs.
ESIG updates its Solvents Human Exposure Database, the largest open source of solvent exposure data available (May 2022)
ESIG has updated and renewed its human exposure database for solvents. It contains exposure data on a wide range of solvents and key applications. This database is the largest single source of solvent exposure data available to the industry and to a broader audience.
Updated EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook includes a chapter on the use of ESIG Solvent VOC inventories (May 2022)
EEA and EMEP have updated their joint guidance to NFR 2D3 Solvent and Product Use, featuring, amongst others, the the solvents VOCs inventories from ESIG. The guidance explains our methodology and how to use ESIG’s data.
FOCUS: Trends in Solvents VOC emissions
This factsheet published in April 2020 and updated inQ1/2022 gives an overview of which solvents can be found in indoor air and explains why VOC solvents are still present in dedicated applications.
Environmental Footprint Compliant Secondary Dataset (December 2021)
ESIG has been collecting industry average data to develop cradle-to-gate life-cycle inventories for several solvents which are part of consumer products to facilitate the calculation of PEFs/OEFs and assure that a solid LCI database for solvent is available.
ESIG Solvent VOC emission inventories 2020
ESIG has finalised its 2020 solvent volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission inventories and results do seem in line with previous numbers: Solvent VOC emissions have stabilized in the EU28 since 2008.
Solutions Newsletter – Winter 2021
Life Cycle Inventories / Environmental Footprint Datasets, Solvents VOC Inventories, Generic Exposure Scenarios, ESIG Solvents Exposure Database, Solvents@Work, Bio-based Solvents, Cefic News, SIA News
ESIG 25th Anniversary
In 2021 ESIG celebrates its 25th anniversary. On this occasion, ESIG issued monthly Newsflashes focusing on highlights and achievements in our history.
ESIG Solvents Award 2021
Application Period Closed 3rd September.
We are now evaluating the applications received and the winner will be selected by a jury made up of EU officials, journalists and industry experts.
We are now evaluating the applications received and the winner will be selected by a jury made up of EU officials, journalists and industry experts.
Solutions Newsletter – Summer 2021
Topics: Topics: ESIG Stakeholder days, ESIG's 25th Anniversary, Key applications page, Product Stewardship at ESIG, Solvents VOC emissions, ESIG Solvents Award, Cefic News, SIA News
FOCUS: Solvents and ESIG
This Factsheet gives an overview of what solvents are, which solvents are in ESIG’s portfolio, for which applications they are used and how they are regulated in the EU.